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The fresco of 16th century represents the Vergin sitting with the Child.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
News relating to the image of the Madonna del Carmelo frescoed in the niche located under the arch on the left just after the entrance of the borgo of Bagnaia are non-existent. The ancient devotion of the citizens towards the Saint has always been lively. Today, the city of Bagnaia celebrates the Madonna del Carmelo on July 16 and festivities continue into the weekend. The festivities have been enriched since the public display of the image of the old fresco representing the Madonna del Carmelo con il Bambino that was discovered in 2008 in an alley under an arch inside the borgo, beneath a painting of the Madonna della Quercia. The fresco was positioned in a shrine, dating back from the second half of the 1600s. Historic and critical investigation on the work has attributed it to the school of Michelangelo. According to common belief, the work was assigned to the school of Michelangelo because of specific peculiar characteristics of Michelangelo. Although it has been hypothesized that the artist visited the town because of the presence of Cardinal Riario, the owner of the Palazzo della Loggia and the first patron of Michelangelo who introduced his work to Rome in 1499, there are no documents that support this claim. It is certain that at the end of the 15th century into the beginning of the 16th century, many important figures and artists probably visited the area because of the important cardinal that lived in the castle. After removal of the painting, restoration of the fresco allowed it to be shown as it is today.
The fresco is located in a niche located under the arch that leads from the piazza Castello onto Via del Forno di Sotto. The work is a meter and 20 centimeters by 80 centimeters. It represents the Vergine assisa con Bambino. The niche is in the form of a stucco trilithic structure formed by two pilasters closed by Doric capitals and topped with a trabeation composed by an abacus/echinus structure. Above, painted on the wall, are the colorful remains of the decoration of the niche with an “M” painted in red on a yellow lunette background. The painting that covered the fresco was removed in 2005 and was dedicated and represented the Madonna della Quercia.
The veneration of the Madonna della Quercia depicted on the canvas would lead to the assumption of continuity of worship. This supports the idea that the fresco doesn’t refer to the Madonna del Carmelo, but to the same Madonna della Quercia. Furthermore, the decorations painted around the aedicule (that were part of the niche) refer to the Madonna della Quercia with branches of oak (quercia) and acorns, exactly like those found on the fresco. The stylistic characteristics of the fresco date it to the first half of the 16th century, perfectly aligning it with the historic events of the Pucciarella and the expulsion of the Lanzichenecchi, for which the community of Bagnaia has thanked the Madonna della Quercia with a procession every year. Therefore, it would not be incorrect to assume that the fresco was created immediately or shortly after 1528.
Translation by Lauren Williamson, Texas A&M University, enrolled in the USAC Viterbo program at the Università degli Studi della Tuscia.
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