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A popular tradition links the epigraph locally called “the written stone” to a visit of Zoroaster, the famous apprentice of Leonardo da Vinci.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
According to the popular tradition the inscription present on a stone was made by Tommaso Masini da Peretola called Zoroastro , Leonardo’s famous disciple. The stone is placed along the footpath which begins from the Bagnaia city centre to the Pierina Valley near the Pisciarello spring. The existing bibliography states that the inscription was rediscovered not far from Bagnaia in the half of the18th century from the Viterbian Abbot Luca Ceccotti.. In 1938 the local Historian Giuseppe Signorelli, attributed the epigraph and the frescoes located at the Baronial Palace to Zoroastro. If you go to the testimony place it does not give us indication about Zoroastro. The epigraph you find engraved on the stone placed against the Pisciarello Spring states: [HIC CONSEDI/MUS FESSI IO/HAC BRAC DOM/URB. PIST/AL I]; In fact the epigraph that Signorelli had indicated was another, completely different from the one now on site. Unfortunately there are no more traces of the original epigraphy. The only transcription that remains is conserved in the archives of the Association amici di Bagnaia, Arte e Storia.
The transcription states:
[QUI SAXUM HOC LI BRAVIT IN AERE PRAETEREUNTES HINC ET SU SPICIENTES ZOROASTER MASINUS ET SCIPIO RONCALIUS SUB CARDINALI RODULFO CONSERVI PALLADEM SECUTI SUAM];” “ed egli librò questo sasso in aria passando di qui e guardando in alto Zoroastro Masino e Scipione Roncalio dipendenti entrambi del cardinale Rodulfo (Ridolfi) diretti verso la sua Pallade”. The epigraph that was mentioned by Signorelli and by Faldi in the article written in 1996, in accordance to the local elderly people was localized on Ortana Street a short distance from Bagnaia. In addition a different epigraph was also located next to the Pisciarello Spring. In fact the oral tradition mixed the two stories about the two different epigraphs converging them into a one phenomena “ called the Written Stone”. Consequently at the half of the 19th century the written stones were two, which one was not to be found. Unfortunately given that the epigraphic unavailability had not been ever operated a researched deeply on the topic. On the missing epigraph the Historian Signorelli had indicated Zoroastro and Scipione Roncagli’s names and it was also engraved that they were working for Cardinal Ridolfi who ordered the restoration of the old Baronial Palace in Bagnaia. According to the legend Zoroastro whilst passing by Bagnaia, he engraved the writing on the stone, to emulate Leonardo (his teacher) who did the same thing on the Fairies stone in Signa near Florence. However, this fascinating interpretation is not supported by documentation. Only in 1986 the epigraph next to the Pisciarello spring was mentioned for the first time on a local newspaper entitled “Note di vita associativa e paesana” is realized by the association Amici di Bagnaia Arte e Storia. The epigraph is cited in the article entitled “Written Stones” is related to notary deed from the 1611 attested by Gio Pietro Palmerino. The San Giovanni church was donated by the San Giovanni Brotherhood to the Bagnaia city hall. The following persons were present when this act of donation took place: “Domino Dominico Velini Pistor. Familiari ill. domini cardinalis Monti Alti”. As can be seen from the text of the epigraph [HIC CONSEDI/MUS FESSI IO/HAC BRAC DOM/URB. PIST/AL I]; The reference to a hypothetic URB PISTOR is probably to connect to Dominico Velini Pistor as reported in the 1611 document. In this document Pistor is mentioned in relation to Cardinal Montalto.
The written stone is nothing but an inscription in capital characters that are developed on five lines engraved on a triangular peperino stone, placed in the valley below the borgo (part of the town closed within the city walls). To reach the stone you take the footpath that connects the Borgo to the Pierina lower valley. This footpath continues up until the little hill on Ortana Street in front of the Pisciarello spring. Upon crossing a bridge, if you look on the right you will find an inscription that states: [HIC CONSEDI/MUS FESSI IO/HAC BRAC DOM/URB. PIST/AL I]; che tradotto risulta semplicemente “Qui sedemmo stanchi” Which translates to: “ When we sat down here we were tired”.
The province of Viterbo, Bagnaia. The written stone.
Translation by Mark Maliakal, Deakin University, enrolled in the USAC Viterbo Program at Università degli Studi della Tuscia.
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