Sources attribute the fountain to the architect Tommaso Ghinucci from Siena who was working at the same time on the acqueduct in Bagnaia.
Sources attribute the fountain to the architect Tommaso Ghinucci from Siena who was working at the same time on the acqueduct in Bagnaia.
The wash house in the valley was intended to be used for washing clothes probabily as early as the 16th century.
The wash house of the town was intended to be used for washing clothes as early as the sixteenth century.
The history of the fountain named “del Pisciarello” (named after the spring of the same name where people used to acquire water) is tied to the time period after World War II around 1960s, where the district of Bagnaia subsidized the project to transport water from the underground spring to the Plaza XX September.
There are no true historical notes on the construction of the fountain. It was first mentioned in notarial documents from the XV century.
The fountain was mentioned as early as the end of the 14th century. In 1618 it was modified according to a project suggested by Cardinal Montalto.