Card Author:
The bridge was built in 1539 and a little later (1575), it was enlarged and embellished with plates in the two banks.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
BRIDGE OF THE BOROUGH (Ponte del borgo)
The construction of the bridge leading into Bagnaia was part of a larger plan of urban revitalization and rehabilitation ordered by Cardinal Ridolfi between 1538 and 1541. In 1538, the cardinal constructed, on his own expense, a new road that connected Bagnaia to Viterbo. In 1541, as reported by Canon Angelo Carones, in the Memorie Istoriche della terra di Bagnaia, the newly elected Cardinal Ridolfi also thought it was necessary to build a new door for the borgo.
Furthermore, the road from Bagnaia leading to the sanctuary of the Madonna della Quercia was full of bumps that made it inconvenient for carriages. The three hills between the two centers created impediments and difficulty for the nobility that had to reach Bagnaia. The cardinal also completed, at his own expense, a new straight road here that was flatter and more spacious. The old road was used until then to lead from the district Fossitella to the lowland forest.
Historic sources say that in 1539 the first small bridge was constructed near Bagnaia. In 1575, the bridge was expanded by many arches with embellished slabs on the banks and with four heads adorned by the coat of arms of Cardinal Gambara (the Lord of Bagnaia at this time).
In 1572, work was started on another, adjacent bridge similar the other, but shorter and called Ponte Niano, because the area was property of the Niani brothers. The banks of the wall were covered with slabs of peperino stone in 1779. The last bridge was created in 1578 near the convent of Quercia. Cardinal Ridolfi placed the coat of arms of Pope Gregorio XII on the bridge in anticipation of a visit from him that never occurred. Furthermore, in 1582, the original wooden drawbridge that initially gave access to the Borgo, “neighboring the door of the land,” was substituted with one that was more secure and durable made of brick and peperino stone.
The last intervention that changed the bridge of Bagnaia into how it is seen today was done in 1877. This is confirmed by the date engraved on the right inbound bank. The restoration of the bridge covered part of the façade of the Church of San Rocco, which is now located in a position lower than street level, as we see today.
The bridge is located at the beginning of Viale Fiume (the street that connects Bagnaia with La Quercia and Viterbo). It is made up of blocks of peperino stone that form six large arches. It has a total length of 100 meters and a width of 7 meters. The arches shape the structure of a parking lot that is located in the area below the bridge. For those who wish to take a walk into the borgo, there are two different entrances that allow for the parking of a vehicle. The first is located near the train crossing. The other is in proximity to the door where Viale Fiume connects with Piazza XX settembre.
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