The wash house of the town was intended to be used for washing clothes as early as the sixteenth century.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
WASH HOUSE OF THE TOWN (Lavatoio del borgo)
Unfortunately there is no documentation about the wash house’s origin and its construction period. The sources inform us that in the half of the 16th century, water was brought to the outskirts of the new suburb. The new gate in Bagnaia was opened in 1541 that brought life in the south part of the suburb outside the walls. This area was growing due to Cardinal Riario’s requests for Tommaso Ghinucci the architect to complete the projects. In 1553 during the urbanistic period the Bagnaian Municipality designated Tommaso Ghinucci for the project of the new aqueduct outside the walls which was then approved. In 1567 the transportation of water to the castle gate ended. The wash house was already present and probably in those years the wash room’s arched structure was built.
The Wash house was situated immediately outside the walls which was already a good location for the laundry ladies during the early medieval period. As suggested by Anna Silvia Brescia in an article of the Loggetta in 2014, the Bagnaian Washroom in Via degli Orti can be considered as a historical monument which represents Bagnaia’s historical growth. Most likely until the 16th century the water that the wash house was using came from the Pisciarello Spring.
With the new construction of the aqueduct by Ghinucci (also witnessed through the inscription still existing at the entrance to Villa Lante) the water came from new water channels in the town. In 1588 Cardinal Cornaro said “Villa Lante’s water would have been directed to the fountain outside the walls”. This created problems to Bagnaia and consequently to the wash house. Currently we do not have secure sources relating to the constructor of the wash house.
The Wash house is located outside the Bagnaian walls in Via degli Orti on the long descending street that brings you to the valley below, behind the corner after the public toilets on the right. A big arch introduces us to the Wash house and its structure (that you can find under Piazza 20 Settembre) is composed of 5 arches and a long bathtub with a fountain spout. In the 1950’s some partitions were inserted in the volcanic peperino stone bathtub to allow the laundry workers to have a well-defined area.
The wash house of the town. Translation by Mark Maliakal, Deakin University.
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