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The building once used as a tannery in the town of the Bagnaia was built in 1739.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
THE TANNERY (La concia)
The history of the building that once housed the tannery of Bagnaia begins on October 30th, 1740, when the general council of the City Hall of Bagnaia had “read and discussed the application of a claim made by Bartolomeo Spigaglia to obtain permission to construct on this land a building to tan skins, and asking also for a large quantity of water from the fountain in the piazza outside, and more water from the wash house (usually used for laundry) ” The request was approved by the City Hall of Bagnaia with the sole modification of taking the water for the fountain inside the town walls instead of from outside. On October 30 of the next year, it was approved officially by the Sacred Congregation of B.G. The City Hall of Bagnaia had given this grant because the opening of the tannery gave work to brick layers, stonemasons, and miners during the construction of the building, and would also secure other work for the families of Bagnaia when hiring employees for all the other positions for the work phases of the tannery. The tannery was constructed privately on top of the north-east side of the tufa rock that circles the village and the other buildings, such as the Gallo palace. In this context came the private construction of the enormous building of the tannery that was laid down on the north east side of the tufa buttresses and was to mark the village as a continuation of the buildings that were already on that side, first of all the Gallo palace. In 1785, Girolamo Malajoni, the manager of the tannery, 45 years after having opened the leather business, wrote, “I entreat the S.C of B.G to permit the connection between the tannery and the fountain outside the walls, in order to use the water for tanning.” The Lante family, owner of the land from which the springs of water come, used for the town and tannery, after the closure of the tannery (private activity and source of income for the Lante family) interrupted the main flow of water that they previously had allowed. In 1866 the City Hall of Bagnaia made a case against the Lante household for the ability to continue the use of water even after the closing of the tannery. At the City Hall of Bagnaia only one part of the flow of wastewater was granted from the fountain of the garden near Villa Lante and from the Votamare and Acquazita basins. This controversy went on with quite a few complications, concluding clearly in favor of the Lante family. In fact, by the end of the century, the tannery had already closed its doors. This legal dispute is amply documented in the publication of a record book titled Ragioni della Comune di Bagnaia fra essa e l’Eccellentisma casa Lante, reprinted thanks to the contributions of the Consortium of Libraries of Viterbo in 2009. Some images of postcards from the early 1900s, draw attention to the tannery building in Bagnaia still in place. Unfortunately, with the events of World War II, the building fell into neglect. Bit by bit, it lost the original features, keeping only the facade intact, as we see it now.
Descending from the gates of the town along Via degli Orti, on the left there is what remains of the tannery of Bagnaia. Only the wall of the facade remains standing. The entire roof and the inside are already lost. On the facade, a square plaque commemorates the building: “BARTOLOMEO SPIGAGLIA VITERBESE / FATTO CITTADINO DI BENEMERENZA / DI QUESTA TERRA / A PUBBLICA UTILITÀ / E A SUE PROPRIE SPESE / FECE ERIGERE DA FONDAMENTA / IL PRESENTE EDIFICIO DI CONCIA / PRINCIPIATO IL 4 NOVEMBRE 1739 / E COMPITO IL 1740″ . Above the epigraph is the only remaining decoration of the historic building, the terracotta symbol of San Bernadino (a sun with the monogram IHS).
Province of Viterbo, Bagnaia, Viterbo. The tannery.
Translation by Katherine Wolf, University of Iowa, enrolled in the USAC Viterbo program at Università degli Studi della Tuscia.
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