Card Author:
On November 1, 1611, upon the completion of work, the Brotherhood gave the church to the Bagnaia community, and from that moment it was the religious center of the town.
Info: PARISH CHURCH / San Giovanni Battista – Piazza XX Settembre. Tel. 0761289826
Winter Holy Masses: Weekdays / 5.30pm Holidays / 8.00am – 10.00am – 11.30am
Summer Mass Hours: Weekday / 6.00pm Holidays / 8.00am – 11.00am
In the 16th century, the Brotherhood of Gonfalone decided to construct the Church above the oratory situated in the Piazza outside the walls in the year 1587. After various economic and bureaucratic obstacles, the church took shape in the following year with three doors, a bell tower and roof trusses. Because of the detailed structure of the church it took several years to be completed. On November 1, 1611, upon the completion of work, the Brotherhood gave the church to the Bagnaia community, and from that moment it was the religious center of the town. In 1728, a stage for the choir of the priests and a new sacristy were added. Between 1753 and 1756 Cardinal Lante began reconstructing the church, giving it the appearance seen today. The stage was connected to the vault, and the chapels were decorated with a stucco façade and labelli. The cardinal gave his testimony to the reconstruction by adding his coat of arms to the triumphal arch. The façade was completely reconstructed, but after a few years the church showed ruin again, and the Cardinal was forced to add retaining chains to strengthen the façade. The seal with three eagles was then affixed to the inner and outer walls. Since then, the church has undergone no more changes.
This church, located on the west side of Piazza XX Settembre, has a door of peperino stone topped by an architrave with a lunette supported by ionic columns. Four tuscan pillars frame a window above the door, and above that is the heraldic coat of arms of Cardinal Marcello Lante della Rovere.
On top of the building is a timpano. Above this timpano, there is molding with columns. There are vases that decorate the timpano. On the right of the facade, at the end of the building, is the bell tower. Two bronze bells still ring to punctuate the time. One bell was made by the Lucenti family in the 19th century and the other was made by Luigi Belli in 1827 with the inscription, “D.O.M. DEIPARAE IN COELUM ASSUMPTAE AC DIVO PRAECURSORIS SACRUM.”
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