In 1580 the Brotherhood laid the first stone for the construction of the oratory outside of the village, and a few years later, in 1587, decided to build a church above the oratory.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
The date of construction of the oratory (a small chapel) of the brotherhood of Gonfalone of Bagnaia is uncertain, but from acquired sources we know from the Tribune of the Brotherhood that in 1580 the brothers of Gonfalone placed the first stone of the construction of the Oratory outside the walled town. Two years later, the brotherhood made, as a ‘gift’ to the City Hall of Bagnaia, twenty trees “for the ceiling’s crossbeams in the oratory”. In 1587 it was already decided to build a church over the oratory. This suggests that the construction of the oratory had already been finished at that time. The painting of San Giovanni Battista mentioned by Sacchetti, that was placed to decorate an altar that no longer exists was probably completed in 1602. In 1606, the windows to let light into the gloomy atmosphere (subtus ecclesiale) were finished. In 1617 the brotherhood called on a painter from Viterbo, Filippo Caparrozzi, for paintings to decorate the oratory. Historical sources do not help us to successfully determine the names of the artist who finished the paintings that are still visible in the decor. In 1728, the oratory was included in the lengthwise development to allow for a stand for the church choir. In 1768 the deans of the brotherhood and the congregation already were proposing to have the nave and choir of the oratory painted, while not mentioning any names associated with the work. From the Tribune of 1764-1802 we know that in 1778 the artist Pietro Orlandi was given the work of depicting some paintings, but the condition of the document from which we learn this information does not allow us to establish with accuracy the location of the works. In the same year the artist was also in charge of rebuilding the altar in the oratory. In 1794, we know through the Registrum Mandatorum that all the paintings in the oratory were “retouched” by the painters Costantino and Jacopo Brocchi. Since then, the space has remained as we see it now. Through a research carried out between 2002 and 2004 by Claudia Scivola, we give a comprehensive view of the monument.
To access the oratory of Gonfalone di Bagnaia you must pass through a small door on the north side of the city walls, outside the church of San Giovanni Battista, along the street Viale Fiume. On the lintel of the door we find the emblem of the brotherhood. Upon entry, a flight of stairs leads down to the oratory. Above the door to the oratory is a fragment of a fresco that shows a coat-of-arms with the cross-shaped emblem of the Gonfalone and below is written in capital letters DOMUS ORAZIONI. Upon entering the place, the grand dimensions are clear, in the rectangular shape with the one altar positioned in the back of the room. The ceiling has two low arches that are supporting structures for the whole church. The ceiling is decorated with completed architecture, acanthus leaves and floral decorations, and frescoes dating to the 17th and the 18th centuries. In the first part of the space, on the left of the short wall, we find a processional banner in poor condition, made by the Neopolitan painter Battista Santoro in 1870, where there is the depiction of The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist overlooked by God and cherubim on clouds. At the bottom of the opposite wall of the oratory, is the area where the altar is separated from the rest of the room by a marble balustrade. Here the altar was redone by the artist Pietro Orlandi in 1778. Above the altar is a wooden crucifix by an unknown maker. Near the Crucifix is a fresco with the images of the dove of peace.
The Oratory of Gonfalone.
Translation by Katherine Wolf, University of Iowa, programma USAC presso l’Università degli Studi della Tuscia.
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