Card Author:
From historical sources we know that the town of Bagnaia in the late Middle Ages had a series of small access gates, one of which was situated near the ducal palace qand the Church of Santo Stefano.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
From historical sources we know that the town of Bagnaia in the late Middle Ages had a series of small access gates, one of which was situated near the ducal palace. In 1520, as reported by the Memorie Istoriche of the land of Bagnaia written by the canonico A. Carones, we learned that Cardinal Raffaele Riario in order to expand his own Ducal palace, ordered the closure of the first gate and replaced it with another a little ways away, near the church of Santo Stefano. The importance of the position of this gate near the church of Santo Stefano— the oldest in Bagnaia according to the popular tradition and the cited sources— is in the fact that the street that goes from the district of Fossatella to the lowland forest, and to Viterbo, begins from the north side of the church (where the gate was located). This gate no longer exists. The only element that could indicate to us the exact location of the gate is the coat of arms of Cardinal Raffaele Riario which is on the exterior of the north side of the wall, positioned about four meters high. It is completely done in peperino stone, with a rose in a field above the Cardinal’s hat with three bows distributed around the edge in heraldic form. But the fate of the small gate was sealed. In 1541 the new gate to the town was made to complete Cardinal Riario’s expansion. Already in 1539, the same had been completed with a series of works to give more decoration to Bagnaia with the construction of a new street and bridges to make it easier to get to Viterbo. It is in this situation that the gate of Santo Stefano was definitively closed, and the old access road to Bagnaia was abandoned. With the opening in 1541 of the new gate at the entrance to the town it created a movement of the city life from the southern part of the town, outside the walls, to the new part that had been expanded thanks to the support of the Cardinal. Riario and the architectural inventions operated by the architect Tommaso Ghinucci. The old gate of Santo Stefano was swallowed by the city walls, and the private spaces that on the street were built close-by nearly totally erased the memory. Today it’s plausible to suppose that the original access to the old gate could be found corresponding to the address Via Malatesta N. 25, where today is a wine cellar accessible through a descent under an arch, used among other things as a prison.
Province of Viterbo, Bagnaia, The Gate of Santo Stefano
Translation by Katherine Wolf, University of Iowa, enrolled in the USAC Viterbo program at Università degli Studi della Tuscia.
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