Card Author:
According to the local tradition the palace iwas the first municipal seat of the borgo in 16th century.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
There is little documented information about the palace locally known as Settala, located inside the wall of the city of Bagnaia. The coat-of-arms of the cardinal Francesco Maria Visconti, also known as Settala, is placed at the lintel of the main entryway. It has strengthened the direct connection of the local history and tradition to the Cardinal who likely left this palace to the use of the city hall of Bagnaia. The coat-of-arms of the Bishop of Viterbo from 1472 until 1491 is the same crest as that found on the fountain of the papal palace of the city of Viterbo. This proof helps us to securely place the building as the property of the Cardinal. In addition, different deeds written in 1476 by a notary, Sir Muzzarello, inform us of the continued presence of the Cardinal and his niece, Clara De Caladrini, near the town of Bagnaia. In the same year, the Cardinal authorized repairs on the city walls which were in danger of collapsing. Above all, he temporarily granted the use of his palace to the city hall of Bagnaia. The Canonico (a religious leader) A. Carones noted the palace as the first headquarters of the city hall. It was further cemented in local tradition by being given the registry number one in the catasto, or real estate registry. A few years later, in 1478, the council was gathered in the palace near the castle walls, at the church of Santa Maria nella Piazza, so the palace was briefly, but effectively, the seat of the district. From an architectural standpoint, the type of facade is typical of this part of Viterbo, and refers clearly to a time period preceding the construction of the building, between the XII and the XIV centuries. In particular, the monumental scale of the external structure of this building, with multiple arches, is proof of the time period when the palace was built, and could be a testimony to it having been used by a noble family. Unfortunately, these sources do not help us to precisely determine the date of the construction of the palace. It is possible that there was a refurbishment of the palace in the 1500s, when the Cardinal Settala, who was given his position by the Bishop of Viterbo in 1472, went to live there.
The palace is located at number 33, Via Malsalto, halfway up the street. Above the lintel of the doorway is the crest of the bishop of Viterbo, Francesco Maria Visconti, also known as Settala (1472-1493). The crest features the miter, the traditional hat worn by the bishop. The facade of the palace is composed of two large arches that support the staircase and the balcony. It now leads to private residences created through the division of the original premises. The profferlo, a style typical of Viterbo with a staircase leading over a door and up to a second-story balcony, is displayed on the outside balcony supported by the arches. The style is simple, and the adornments of the structure are displayed in two large square columns that support the roof. In the final section of the development of the building, where the stairs begin, the parapet is open, with large square windows that let sunlight in to illuminate the stairway. In the buttress opposite, made from large square stones, it is possible to identify the pulpit, where decisions of the city hall and council could be announced in the days when this was the city hall of Bagnaia.
Translation by Katherine Wolf, University of Iowa, enrolled in the USAC Viterbo program at Università degli Studi della Tuscia.
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