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The Brotherhood of San Rocco built this temple in 1569, but it was completed only in the 17th century. In 1934 the Bagnaia community decided to restore the temple to turn it into War Memorial.
Info: Associazione Amici di Bagnaia “Arte e Storia ” Tel. 3384613485
The Brotherhood of San Rocco built this temple in 1569. Since its birth, because of lack of funds, the building saw slow and fluctuating development. On the Pastoral Visit of 1574, it was ascertained that the church was without a roof, and later in 1587, the extrados of the church was still uncovered. The brotherhood – uniting with the larger Brotherhood of San Rocco in Rome – hoping to see the church finally covered, was forced to ask for “the charity of twenty scudi for the love of God, from the community to cover the dome of the roof, otherwise, it will be ruined by rain and would fall apart.” In the next apostolic visitation of 1616, there was no more mention of the architectural deficiencies of the ceiling. Therefore, at that time, the church had already seen the completion of the work on the roof. The positioning of the temple is semi-sunken in respect to the road surface because it was built prior to the building of the bridge that was constructed in 1539 by the Cardinal Raffaele Riario. In 1575, Cardinal Gambara ordered the expansion of the temple with many arches. The lowest position of the road was once again altered with the last renovation of the bridge that took place in 1877. The building was consolidated under the new road as it is seen today. In 1934, the Bagnaia community decided to restore the temple and transform it into the Sacrario dei Caduti. The intervention returned to the church its proper adornments that had until then been on display at the entrance of the borgo.
The Church of San Rocco is situated just before the bridge that leads into Bagnaia on Viale Fiume, 200 meters from the borgo. The construction has an octagonal form with pilasters (9 pillars embedded in the wall) curved at the corners with a lantern at the top. The façade is characterized by an entrance lower than the road, that is accessed by descending seven steps. The door is made of peperino stone and has an architrave decorated with a bull and echino. An engraved epigraph reports the year of construction as 1569. Above the door is an oculus. Over the oculus is a plaque that honors those who died in war.
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